Новые книги по климату и экологии в библиотеке Центра
Очередная партия иностранных книг, поступивших в библиотеку Центра, посвящена преимущественно вопросам климата и экологии. Среди новинок:
- Research Handbook on Climate Change Litigation / edited by Francesco Sindico, et al.
- Climate Change Litigation: a handbook / edited by Wolfgang Kahl, Marc-Philippe Weller
- Responsibility For Environmental Damage / Jason Rudall
- Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy / edited by Daniel J. Fiorino, et al.
- The Oxford Handbook of International Law and Development / edited by Ruth Buchanan, et al.
- Sustainable Development, International Law, and a Turn to African Legal Cosmologies / Godwin Eli Kwadzo Dzah
- Principles of International Energy Transition Law: law as an instrument of development in the 21st century / Frédéric G. Sourgens, Leonardo Sempértegui
- Energy Dependence and Supply Security: energy law in the new geopolitical reality / Anatole Bout
- Sustainable Fisheries Management and International Law: marine fisheries in Bangladesh and the Bay of Bengal / Abdullah Al Arif
- The Ecology of War and Peace: marginalising slow and structural violence in international law / Eliana Cusato
- Governing Oceans: policy development, implementation and evaluation / ed. by Catherine Jones