Andrey Lappo

From September 2014 – Director General of the Scientific and Research Institute of Maritime Spatial Planning Ermak North-West;

From 2019 – Expert of the International Initiative Group* on Blue Growth in the Black Sea;

2015-2016 – Expert of the Subcommittee on Water Resources of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 6th convocation;

2003-2014 – Director General of the Scientific Research Institute of Perspective Urban Development (Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation);

From 2011 – Russian representative in the joint HELCOM-VASAB Working Group* on Marine Spatial Planning (HELCOM/VASAB MSP WG);

2001-2003 – Director of GiproStroyTekhProm Institute (Gosstroy);

1996-2000 – Head of 23 State Marine Design Institute (Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation);

1972-1996 – work in scientific and design organizations of the Ministry of Defence of the USSR/Russian Federation;

1969-1975 – Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (Leningrad State University);

1967-1972 – Higher Military Engineering School (Ministry of Defence of the USSR).


* Participation of representatives of the Russian Federation in the above international organizations has been suspended since March 2022.