The Summer School “Climate Change: Science, Law, Practice”

The Summer School 2023 was devoted to the trending topic of climate change for lawyers.

During the two-week on-campus course renowned Russian and foreign experts delivered lectures on the international and national climate law, its relation with other branches of law, scientific insights and practical measures for adaptation and response to climate change. Some of the topics covered the climate change impact on the world economy, the role of climate change in international trade, shipping, aviation, and related legal issues.

Among the courses

Alexander Chernokulsky   

Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, Risks, Adaptation

Mikhail Yulkin

Climate Crisis and Ways to Overcome It

Alexander Shestakov  

Climate Change and Biodiversity: Two Global Crises – Same Solutions 

Alexander Solntsev  

Human Rights and Climate Change. Climate Change Litigation

Michael B. Gerrard  

The USA Policies and Actions to Achieve Climate Goals

Sergey Sitnikov  

Carbon Regulation: Key Milestones and Vectors of Development 

Irina Gayda  

Energy Transition in Context of Climate Change and Climate Regulation

Igor Makarov  

Economics of GHG Emissions Reduction: What is the Cost of Carbon Neutrality?

Alexey Karchiomov  

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Efficiency of the International Fleet: Short and Mid-Term Measures

Anna Romanovskaya   Evgeny Shvarts  

Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

Daniel Ramos  

Climate Change and Trade

Benoit Mayer  

International Law on Climate Change: the Sources

Gabriel Castellanos  

IMO’s Activities to Reduce Emissions From Shipping

Anait Smbatyan  

Economic Nationalism and Discrimination as Drivers of the Climate Policy of the EU and Its Allies

Vladimir Skobarev   

Sustainability Reporting – the Climate Aspect

Denis Popov

Multilateral Climate Change Negotiations: Timeline and Outlook

Alexander Batalov  

ICAO, Structure, Main Activities, Involvement of the Russian Federation in ICAO

Alina Averchenkova  

International Experience with Legislating on Climate Change

Andrey Bayda  

Green Finance State of the Union

Roman Kolodkin  

Request for an Advisory Opinion Submitted by COSIS on Climate Change and International Law

Anastasia Grebennikova   Anton Tsvetov  

Climate Change Negotiations Process

Anton Tsvetov  

Carbon Markets: Theory, Typology and Key Trends

Session on corporate climate change (or sustainable development) strategies