The International Law in the XXI Century Award

International Law in the XXI Century Award. Results of 10 years and the 10th competition
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We are happy to announce the eleventh competition for the International law in the XXI Century Award for the best research paper on public international law!

The winner receives the International Law in the XXI Century Award, a diploma, and a prize of 500,000 RUB.

A group of Russian experts in public international law, including Vladlen Vereschetin, Roman Kolodkin, Sergey Punzhin, Leonid Skotnikov, Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov, and Aleksandr Khodakov came up with the idea of establishing the Award.

The Competition is held annually. Its objectives include promoting and fostering in-depth research in public international law and supporting original research within the field. Results of 10 years  

The Competition is supported by Ivanyan and Partners and the International Justice journal.

We encourage the contestants to use the resources of the ICLRC Library to write their papers.


The Competition is conducted in accordance with the Regulations of the Competition , and the Submission Rules , as well as the established practice.

  1. Research papers may be submitted either in Russian or in English and should address one or a few thematic areas specified in Appendix 1  to the Submission Rules.
  2. The research papers accepted for participation in the competition shall be:
    • prepared independently by one author,
    • either not published previously or published not earlier than 1 January 2024,
    • limited to 1-2 author’s sheets (40,000-80,000 characters),
    • previously not submitted to the Competition (it is not recommended to submit research papers substantially repeating those that were previously submitted to the Competition).
  3. Only citizens of the Russian Federation up to 35 years old inclusive (to the date of announcement) who completed higher legal education in law and/or hold a postgraduate degree in law, are eligible to take part in the Competition.

The winner is selected by the Council of the Award consisting of famous international law experts.

When assessing submitted papers, the Council of the Award takes into account the depth of research in a selected subject, novelty and practical value of findings, the quality of analysis of the applicable law, the usage of up-to-date doctrine, the logic and clarity of writing, and the extent to which thesis statements formulated by an author are well-founded and reasoned.

Please note that plagiarism is unacceptable. The Organizer checks the papers for plagiarism, including by using special automated systems. The Council of the Award will be informed about cases of plagiarism and incorrect citation.


The paper and other necessary materials must be submitted by 31 March 2025. The materials are submitted by email to  and/or by filling out the form on this webpage.

The results will be announced no later than 30 June 2025, if not specified otherwise in accordance with the Regulations of the Competition.

Prize winners

Associate at Clifford Chance (international arbitration and litigation). Holds an LLB from Lomonosov Moscow State University (2015) and an MJur from the University of Oxford (2016), where he was a Hill scholar and awarded the Volterra Fietta Prize for International Dispute Settlement. In 2018, the London Court of International Arbitration awarded him the Gillis Wetter Memorial Prize for International Arbitration.

Award winning paper The role of equity in the assessment of damages under custom: where are Diallo and the Arctic Sunrise taking the law?

A graduate of the IKBFU
(Kaliningrad) and the
Göttingen (Germany). In 2023,
he successfully defended a
PhD thesis at the University
of Göttingen. Aleksei specializes
in international law and is
experienced in inter-State
litigation (WTO). Currently,
he works at the ICLRC on issues
linked to public international law
and teaches related subjects at
the Higher School of Economics

Award winning paper Economic sanctions and challenge of these in the WTO in the context of the national security exceptions (GATT Article XXI:(b)(iii))

Outstanding works