Inputs to the Supervisory Body for Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement
The ICLRC submitted to the Supervisory Body for Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement its inputs for draft documents regulating certain aspects of emission removals activities and project methodologies.
Work on these documents is carried out within the framework of preparation for the launch of market mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The Center's comments generally aim to increase regulatory certainty and make use of these documents easier for market participants, as well as to involve more stakeholders in activities related to emission removals. Besides, the Center's experts emphasized the feasibility of assessing and using insurance instruments. Such instruments could allow to reflect more comprehensively and to apply a risk-based approach to the implementation of activities related to the emission removals, and also to adjust in more details the mechanism for mitigating the relevant risks.
The ICLRC, as an observer to the UNFCCC, regularly submits its comments and suggestions to the draft documents to ensure that the necessary rules are elaborated thoroughly and to the highest standard, while remaining transparent and effective.