The ICLRC's input to the new versions of the Article 6.4 guidance

On October 30, the eighth meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body opens in Bonn, where its members intend to adopt a number of key documents that will launch the centralized market mechanism as early as 2024. These meetings attract a lot of attention of carbon market participants. The trajectory of other carbon market segments, for which the Article 6.4 mechanism could become the gold standard, will depend on how the UN mechanism is ultimately regulated.

The Center’s experts expressed their opinion on the current versions of the regulatory provisions concerning the project activity cycle, decision-making procedure, procedure for accreditation of verifiers, development of methodologies and appeal mechanism. Comments are generally aimed at increasing regulatory certainty, documents usability for market participants, stimulation of market activity, and wide access of the involved parties to the mechanism being created.

The other submissions are available here.