The Center has published the materials of the discussion session “Is it the Epidemic itself or its Outcomes that Make a Force Majeure?"
On April 11, 2020, within the framework of St. Petersburg International Legal Forum 9 ½: Rule of Corona, the International and Comparative Law Research Center held the discussion session on the topic “Is it the Epidemic itself or its Outcomes that Make a Force Majeure?”.
Enrico del Prato (Professor of Civil Law, The Sapienza University of Rome), Ian K. Lewis (Managing Partner of the Beijing office, Mayer Brown), and Florian Heindler (Assistant Professor in Law, Sigmund Freud University of Vienna) took part in the discussion which was moderated by Anton Ivanov (Academic Supervisor, Faculty of Law, School Head, School of Private Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics).
Victoria Manko (General Director of the Center) delivered the welcoming speech.
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Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University with a degree in International Economic Law. She worked in Moscow-based international law firms advising clients on international law matters. In 2016, she started working at the International and Comparative Law Research Center, where she held the position of Assistant General Director. In November 2018, she was appointed to the position of General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center. From April 2021 to August 2024 — Deputy General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center. Regularly participates in the work of the Working Groups of the UN Commission on International Trade Law as a representative of the Center which has an observer status. She speaks at Russian and international events on the topics of the Center's work (international law, trade law and investment, sustainable development, etc.).
Since Augst 2024