SPBILF 9 1⁄2: Rule of Corona. Is it the Epidemic Itself or its Outcomes that Make a Force Majeure?

On April 11, 2020, within the framework of St. Petersburg International Legal Forum 9 ½: Rule of Corona, the International and Comparative Law Research Center held the discussion session on the topic “Is it the Epidemic itself or its Outcomes that Make a Force Majeure?” .

A discussion of legal issues emanating from this topic, with foreign experts' involvement and overview of other countries' practices, has been designed to contribute to the development of Russia's approach to the acute legal problem of how COVID-19 and states’ measures affect private-law transactions. The outcome of this discussion may contribute to the shaping of general systemic principles clear to business people around the globe, including those involved in international trade.

As a result of the discussion, the materials of the discussion session were published.