The ICLRC took part in the third session of negotiations on an international instrument on plastic pollution
The Center’s experts participated as observers in the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) to develop an international instrument on plastic pollution under the auspices of UNEP, held on November 13-19 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Substantive discussions were based on a zero draft of the future instrument published in September 2023 in three contact groups.
The mandate of the first group was to review parts I (objectives) and II (main aspects of plastic pollution control) of the zero draft. Much attention was paid to the scope of the future treaty from a plastic life cycle perspective. Most countries noted that the scope of application was clearly defined in UNEA Resolution 5/14, but that States had different approaches to the key concept of the full life cycle enshrined in the Resolution: some States considered it to cover the stages from product to waste, while others suggested that regulation should start at the point of raw material extraction and polymer production. In addition, several countries noted that virgin polymers are not within the mandate of the Resolution, which means pollution rather than regulation of plastics production.
Pollution control measures have also caused a lot of controversy, primarily in terms of proposals to establish restrictions on the production of certain categories of plastic products, requirements for packaging of products, elimination of current pollution, monitoring system and disclosure of information on the chemical composition of all types of plastics and plastic products throughout their life cycle.
The second group discussed measures and means of implementation of the future instrument, including financing and capacity building. The main disagreement was over financial support: developed countries were more in favor of using the existing financial mechanism, while developing countries stood up for creating a new one.
Regarding progress monitoring and reporting, many countries advocated for more chemically comprehensive disclosure of data on polymer types and products, as well as companies’ mandatory reporting.
Work on the third group, unlike the other two, was first launched in Nairobi. The main task of the group was to discuss elements of the treaty not covered in past sessions. During the intersessional period, countries sent their proposals to the Secretariat, which were summarized in a synthesis report. In developing of this part, particularly in the preamble and final provisions of the future instrument, it has been repeatedly noted that the experience of existing international chemicals control instruments, including the Minamata, Stockholm, Basel, and Rotterdam conventions, should be taken into consideration. The main problematic issue of this group was the need to develop a clear conceptual framework and uniform use of terminology.
In the context of institutional mechanisms, all States agreed that the Conference of the Parties should be the umbrella body that would decide on the implementation of the future treaty. Some countries, however, noted that the powers of the umbrella body should be discussed in detail after the adoption of the treaty, rather than at negotiating committee sessions. Some proposals were also made for the necessary working bodies, including a scientific body, a compliance committee, a mechanism to collect data on best practices, an implementation committee, and a finance committee for developing States.
Besides, the third group considered issues requiring intersessional work following the meetings of all three contact groups, but the parties could not reach a common decision on the format and elements of such work.
The proposals of countries will be referred to in an updated zero draft, the text of which will be prepared by the Secretariat before the end of the year. It is expected that the revised draft will be used as the basis for discussions at the next session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Canada in April 2024.
The ICLRC will follow the development of the future plastic pollution instrument and participate in the discussions as an observer.
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In 2018, Evgeniy graduated from the Faculty of Geography of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Ecology and Environmental Management. From 2017 to 2021 he worked in companies specializing in engineering surveys and was involved in the organization and execution of field work on ecology and hydrometeorology, laboratory work and passing state examination of reports. He also participated in scientific cruises. In 2020, Evgeniy graduated with the Master's degree from the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University, specializing in Hydrometeorology. In December 2021, he has started to work at the International and Comparative Law Research Center. He prepares analytical and reference materials and methodologies on the topic of ecology and climate change, ESG factors, and also analyzes drafts of the Center's publications, their consistency and adequacy with regard to ecology, hydrometeorology, and climate change.
Education: bachelor's degree RUDN University (1999-2003); master's program RUDN University (2003 - 2005); postgraduate study at RUDN University (2005-2008). Defended Ph.D. thesis in 2008 under the supervision of Professor Abashidze A.Kh. on the topic: "The role of international judicial institutions in resolving international environmental disputes." Experience: · University of Amsterdam (University van Amsterdam, Law School, UvA) (2001-2002); · Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva, March 2012); · Academy of Human Rights in Venice (July 2013). · From 2005 to the present, he has been teaching various international legal disciplines at RUDN University. He also teaches courses at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), a branch of MGIMO in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), at the Eurasian National University L.N. Gumilyova (Kazakhstan). · Under the supervision of Solntsev A.M. 11 dissertations were defended for the degree of candidate of legal sciences, including foreigners (Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Iran, Burundi, Kazakhstan and Vietnam). · The sphere of scientific interests is the problems of theory and practice of international law, especially the issues of international environmental law, international space law, peaceful settlement of disputes, problems of protecting human rights, African studies. · He is author of more than 700 works have been published in Russia and abroad. · Speaker at international conferences in Great Britain (Manchester, Glasgow), Norway (Oslo), Denmark (Copenhagen), China (Xi'an, Hainan), Philippines (Cebu), Poland (Wroclaw), Italy (Naples, Venice), Kazakhstan (Astana), Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk). · Member of the Russian Association of International Law · Member of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) · Member of European Society of International Law (ESIL) · Member of the European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) · Member of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) · Member of the working group of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States to prepare the draft Convention on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes (Convention was adopted in 2018) · Member of the working group No. 13 “Combating Climate Change” on the preparation of the voluntary national report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2019 · Member of the working group No. 15 “Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems” on the preparation of the voluntary national report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2019
Professional interests: Education
Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Bachelor of Law with Honours, 2014
RUDN University and Université Grenoble Alpes (France), Master of Law, double degree programme “International Protection of Human Rights”, 2022
Professional experience
April 2021 - August 2023
Deputy Head of UN Division, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
October 2014 - August 2019
Consultant in the International Legal Division of the Legal Office, Federal Financial Monitoring Service