Eketerina Petrenko took part in the Efimov Memorial Conference
On 8 November 2024, the Center’s expert on Public International Law Ekaterina Petrenko spoke at the VI International Efimov Memorial Conference, organized by the Russian Foreign Trade Academy. This year's meeting was devoted to the topic of BRICS in global and regional development.
At a session dedicated to investment disputes with the state, Ekaterina elaborated on how the international commitments of states in the field of combating climate change correlate with the commitments of states to protect foreign investments.
She noted that when the states implement climate goals within the framework of the Paris Agreement, it entails changes in national regulation. This negatively affects the interests of foreign investors who may lose their benefits and initiate a dispute. The question arises of how to balance investment treaties so that they provide investors with an adequate level of protection, and states with sufficient freedom to take measures in the public interest.
One of the solutions may be a systemic interpretation of treaties, which is enshrined in Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Climate commitments can be relevant when a tribunal analyzes the legitimate expectations of an investor. In particular, tribunals may ask questions about whether a state is a party to the Paris Agreement, what are its commitments, how it fulfills them, etc.
The right to regulate could also be considered in the search for balance. A tendency to strengthen the right to regulate in recent investment treaties was noted. At the UNCITRAL level, attempts are also being made to strengthen the right to regulate, considering different formulations of such a right in order to balance the interests of system participants and mitigate the risks of regulatory stagnation. In conclusion, it was noted that these mechanisms for achieving a balance of commitments still have to pass the test in practice.
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Areas of professional expertise: Ekaterina graduated from the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Faculty of Law (2017) and later, in 2019, obtained a Master’s degree in private international law from the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow). She also studied abroad at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany). Besides the ICLRC, Ekaterina is a legal counsel at the RAC at RIMA, where she acts as a tribunal secretary in complex disputes, including international commercial arbitration, under various applicable laws. Ekaterina is also a member of the RAC committee for the technical review of drafts of final awards and orders, and is actively working to strengthen the RAC rules and procedures (i.e. she has contributed to the adoption of the 2021 RAC Arbitration Rules and prepared guides for arbitrators on different aspects of arbitration). As part of her expert work, Ekaterina analyzes the ISDS reform (UNCITRAL Working Group III) and drafts legal opinions as well as participates in research projects on various issues of public international law. Previously, Ekaterina worked in the Office of the Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), tasked with implementation of ECtHR judgments into the Russian legal system, and also did an internship at the Council of Europe. Ekaterina also interned at an arbitral institution and a high-ranking law firm in Malaysia, where she gained skills in working with English law, commercial and investment disputes. She is fluent in Russian and English, as well as French and German at an intermediate level.