New research: “The Experience of Creating Experimental Legal Regimes in Russia and Foreign Countries”
In order to realize innovation decisions, the states use experimental legal regimes (ELR), which allow to test different types of technologies and to improve legislation for their wide implementation and development if they work.
The thematic areas of the ELR could be different, in particular, financial technologies, neurotechnologies, artificial intelligence, distributed registry system, Big Data technology, wireless networking, virtual and augmented reality, Internet of things, robotic technology, quantum technology, etc.
This research analyzes 19 jurisdictions, examines existing ELR in the spheres of the financial sector, agriculture, industry, energy, medicine, transport, science and education, public administration. The purpose of the research is to identify the most successful examples of ELR creation and their features and to analyze the probable problems of ELR realization.
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Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University with a degree in International Economic Law. She worked in Moscow-based international law firms advising clients on international law matters. In 2016, she started working at the International and Comparative Law Research Center, where she held the position of Assistant General Director. In November 2018, she was appointed to the position of General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center. From April 2021 to August 2024 — Deputy General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center. Regularly participates in the work of the Working Groups of the UN Commission on International Trade Law as a representative of the Center which has an observer status. She speaks at Russian and international events on the topics of the Center's work (international law, trade law and investment, sustainable development, etc.).
Since Augst 2024