Ekaterina Salugina-Sorokovaya took part in the climate session at the the Eurasian Women’s Forum
Ekaterina Salugina-Sorokovaya, the ICLRC General Director, took part in the session “The Role of Women in Solving Climate Challenges” at the Eurasian Women’s Forum. She spoke about trends in law related to the new value paradigm in the context of sustainable development.
“In fact, the sustainable development trend is about changing worldview, values, choices that we make every day. As lawyers, we always research regulation and case law," the expert noted. In the speech she highlighted two key trends in the field of law that reflect the change in the value paradigm. “What is happening in the climate is very interesting, because there is regulation "from above", both at the international level and in certain jurisdictions. But its’s just a framework legislation. At the same time, responsible business unites into communities, under the wing of the UN in particular. For example, such an example is the PRI – principles for responsible investment. And, in fact, they develop rules that actually change the world economy," Ekaterina Salugina-Sorokovaya said.
Ekaterina mentioned another trend related to the case law. “In addition to proactive position of business, young people are even more active. What is going on in the case law? Young people start defending their constitutional rights – right to life and right to the environment. Germany is a good example. The plaintiffs there were climate movement fighters, who were 18-20 years old. They filed a lawsuit with the German Constitutional Court that the adopted law on reducing CO2 emissions ..., and thus the state set insufficiently ambitious goals. They wanted more from the state. They won," the expert explained.
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In 2006, Ekaterina graduated from the Law Faculty of the State University – Higher School of Economics with honors. Since 2006, she has been working in the Presidential State-Legal Directorate. In 2014, she was appointed to the position of Adviser to the President of the Federal Notary Chamber on Legislative Work. In 2015, she joined the State Corporation Deposit Insurance Agency as Deputy Director of the Department of Public Relations In 2016, she took the position of General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center. In November 2017, she assumed the duties of the Acting Director of the Department for Financial and Bank Operations and Investment Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In February 2018, she was appointed Director of the Department for Financial and Bank Operations and Investment Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. From February 2019 to March 2020, she was Director of the Department of Regulatory Policy of the Government of the Russian Federation. From April 2020 to April 2021, she served as Director of the Department of International Law and Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. From April 2021 to February 2023 — General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center. Ph.D. in Law.