Climate Bulletin. Issue 24 (in Russian)

The International and Comparative Law Research Center together with the Gazprombank’s Sustainable Development Hub present the 24th issue of the Climate Bulletin (in Russian).

In the new issue, you will learn that:

  • The SBTi standard has been updated
  • The BRICS Supreme Audit Institutions have agreed on the unity of methodologies in assessing the activities of governments in the field of sustainable development
  • Debt settlement of the poorest countries in exchange for the implementation of adaptation projects is gaining popularity (the case of Barbados and UBS)
  • The second report of the UN expert group on the synergy between climate goals and sustainable development goals has been published
  • According to BP's forecast, the peak of global oil demand will be reached by 2025
  • Saudi Arabia is reducing the budget of the NEOM project
  • Gazprombank has verified information on greenhouse gas emissions for 2023.

The Climate Bulletin is a regular analytical material on the most relevant topics of the green agenda, both at the international and national levels. It explores the main climate events, trends in the introduction of ESG principles, the development of climate regulation and carbon markets, biodiversity conservation issues, etc.

All issues are also available on Gazprombank’s website.