T. Treves. International Courts and Tribunals and the Sources of International Law. Courses of the Summer School on Public International Law. Vol. III
The present publication contains materials of lectures by Tullio Treves on the topic “International Courts and Tribunals and the Sources of International Law”, delivered by him within the frames of the 2018 Summer School on Public International Law.
He was a judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (1996-2011) and President of its Seabed Disputes Chamber. He was a counsel of different states in international courts and tribunals, consultant to various governments and international organizations. Judge Treves is also a member of the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law since 2010 and previously taught at the Academy. He is a member of many learned societies including Institut de Droit International and author of numerous books and articles on international law, including on the international courts and tribunals.