T. Treves. Some Contemporary General Aspects of International Law: Themes for a Dialogue. Courses of the Summer School on Public International Law. Vol. V
The present publication contains materials of lectures by Tullio Treves on the topic “Some Contemporary General Aspects of International Law: Themes for a Dialogue”, delivered by him within the frames of the 2019 Summer School on Public International Law.
He was a judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (1996-2011) and President of its Seabed Disputes Chamber. He was a counsel of different states in international courts and tribunals, consultant to various governments and international organizations. Judge Treves is also a member of the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law since 2010 and previously taught at the Academy. He is a member of many learned societies including Institut de Droit International and author of numerous books and articles on international law, including on the international courts and tribunals.