Brief on Climate Policies. China
The ICLRC continues its series of climate policy briefs for various jurisdictions. This time it is dedicated to China. The new dataset contains concise information about the main regulatory acts and mechanisms of the climate policy in this county.
The "Climate Brief" has been assembled from open data and is not exhaustive. Should you have any suggestions regadring useful additions and/or changes to it, we will be happy to receive additional sources by e-mail (tagged as "Climate Brief").
Education: — Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Department of World Economy and International Business (postgraduate); — Moscow State Law University (2020-2021); — Universite Grenoble Alpes, Management of organizations within the framework of international cooperation (2019-2020); — Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, International Financial Market: Strategies and Technologies (Master’s degree. 2018-2020); — Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Monetary and credit relations (bachelor’s degree. 2014-2018); — Beijing Central University of Finance and Economics (2016-2017). Since 2018 till 2020 she worked as a chief economist in the Department of Strategic Development of the Financial Market in the Bank of Russia. Since 2020 till 2022 she was a chief expert in the Financial Technology Department in the Bank of Russia. Since April 2022 — Senior expert analyst for Financial Market Development and International Projects at the International and Comparative Law Research Center. Anastasia coordinates the analysis and preparation of projects in the direction of financial market development, including import substitution in Russia, digital transformation, development of climate regulation and implementation of ESG principles.
Mr. Sitnikov has specialized in supporting climate projects, consulting on carbon markets, carbon trading and ESG since 2004. Sergey was actively involved in the work on the Russian federal and regional carbon regulations. In 2022 he participated in the work of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh). Mr. Sitnikov advised, among other things, major Russian and international companies on the implementation of climate projects in Russia and abroad, as well as the regulator on various issues of climate regulation. Since 2014 Sergey Sitnikov has been annually recognized by independent international and Russian legal ratings as a leading lawyer in the "Environmental Law" field. Since 2008 till 2019 Mr. Sitnikov acted as a Visiting Professor at Moscow State Institute of International Relationship (MGIMO), International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, with his course of lectures related to various energy and carbon regulation issues. Sergey Sitnikov is the author and co-author of a number of scientific researches and books, including: - The Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016; - Civil Law Regulation of Oil Transportation by Pipelines: Acute Issues, YusticInform, Moscow, 2012; - Climate Change Liability. Transnational Law and Practice, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2012; - Energy Law in Russia and Germany. Comparative Law Research, Yurist publishing group, Moscow, 2011; - Trading In Air: Mitigating Climate Change Through the Carbon Markets, Infotropic Media, Moscow, 2010 and of numerous practice-oriented articles on carbon regulation and ESG, including: - “Implementation of climate projects in the field of waste management”, TBO. Waste Management Scientific Journal, April, 2023; - “Road map of the ESG-strategy. How to start a company transformation”, Corporate Lawyer Journal, February, 2023; - “Carbon regulation in Russia: origins and peculiarities.”, The Eurasian Scientific Journal, 14(6): 44ECVN622. Available at:; - “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism”, Industry Ecology Journal, November, 2021; - “20 Steps on the Way to ESG-Transformation”, Industry Ecology Journal, December, 2021; - “Emission trading scheme as an alternative to the modern system of normatives”, Industry Ecology Journal, August 2016; - “New Procedure for Joint Implementation Projects in Russia”, Thomson Reuters Russia/Eurasia Executive Guide, December 2011; - “Money Out of Thin Air”, RBCC Bulletin, Issue 2, March 2010; - “Russia's new JI rules could break logjam”, “Point Carbon”, November 2009; - “Who Owes Whom? Legal Schemes of JI Projects' Implementation in Russia: Analysis and Recommendations”, Mirovaya Energetika No.1, 2008; - “Investors Get the Green Light”, Mirovaya Energetika, No.8, 2007; - “The potential for generating and selling Voluntary Emission Reductions in associated oil gas projects”, Oil, Gas & Law, No.6, 2007; - “Keys to the Carbon Transactions”, Delovoi Ekologicheski Journal, No.2, 2007; - “Agreement for Transportation of Oil by Pipeline: Theories and Practice of Drafting and Usage”, Oil, Gas & Law, No.4, 2007; - “Pledge of Oil, Transported through System of Pipelines”, Pravo I Ekonomika, #3, 2007; - “Pledge of Oil Transported by Pipelines,” The Oil, Gas and Law Journal, 2005, No.1; - “Civil Law Aspects of the Transportation of Oil Using Pipelines,” The Oil, Gas and Law Journal, 2004, No.4.