European Human Rights Moot Court Competition Moscow Pre-Moot (ECHRMCC Moscow Pre-Moot)

The European Human Rights Moot Court Competition (EHRMCC) is one of the biggest and prestigious human rights moot court competitions in Europe. The organizers are the European Law Student Association (ELSA International) and the Council of Europe.
The EHRMCC consists of two rounds:
First round: written submissions for an applicant and a respondent. The best 20 teams will be selected for the second round based on results of the first round; Second round: oral submissions of the applicant’s and respondent’s positions taking place at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.
Before the start of the competition the participants were welcomed by Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights – Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Mikhail Galperin and Head of the international law practice group at Ivanyan & Partners Vasily Torkanovsky.
Six teams from St. Petersburg University (2 teams), Ural State Law University, University of Zagreb (Croatia), University of Niš (Serbia), Trinity College, University of Dublin (Ireland) took part in the pre-moot, that took place in the International and Comparative Law Research Center.
The winner of the Moscow pre-moot is the team from Trinity College, University of Dublin.
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