The Court of the Eurasian Economic Union: Qualifications of Judges, Selection, and Termination of Their Powers

In 2020, the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council approved the Strategic Directions for the Developing the Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025. One of the directions of such development is to improve the efficiency of the EAEU Court's functioning. For this purpose, it was decided to work on improving the qualification requirements for the EAEU Court’s judges, as well as the mechanism for their selection and appointment.

Judges of international courts  who are they? They are the key to the effective work of the courts, and the quality of their decisions is largely the result of the successful selection of the bench.

Read in the Center's new research paper (in Russian) about the requirements for judges of the EAEU Court, selection, and termination of their powers, as well as recommendations for the improvement.