The Court of the Eurasian Economic Union: Сompetence in Relation to Dispute Resolution and Advisory Function, Preliminary Reference Procedure

The Court of the Eurasian Economic Union has been functioning since 2015, and the practice accumulated during this time shows that the operation of this body is in high demand. It is intended to regularly solve disputes and provide advisory opinions, in which it clarifies the Union Law. However, some of the existing rules and competences of the EAEU Court may already be rethought and supplemented.

The research (in Russian) presents proposals for improving and developing the competence of the EAEU Court in relation to dispute resolution and advisory function, as well as preliminary reference procedure. It also supports certain initiatives from practice and doctrine and gives additional recommendations for their implementation.

Dr. Aleksei Petrenko, Senior expert of the ICLRC and author of this paper, presented some aspects of the research in Minsk at the VII International Conference of the EAEU Court in November 2024. The paper based on this presentation is being prepared for publication in the traditional annual conference book.

The International and Comparative Law Research Center has previously addressed this issue in the research paper on the qualifications of judges, selection, and termination of their powers, as well as recommendations for their improvement.