Modern Arbitration: LIVE. Discussion on arbitration in a comparative perspective. The Role of Procedural Soft Law in International Arbitration

Modern Arbitration: LIVE. Discussion on arbitration in a comparative perspective. The Role of Procedural Soft Law in International Arbitration. . . Feb 07, 2018
Arbitration Center at the Institute of Modern Arbitration with support of International and Comparative Law Research Center held a discussion on arbitration in a comparative perspective  Modern Arbitration: LIVE on the topic of The Role of Procedural Soft Law in International Arbitration. The leading arbitration practitioners from Russia and foreign jurisdictions, who deal with soft law instruments in their everyday practice, discussed the following questions:

  • How the IBA soft law instruments are perceived in practice, in particular: IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest, IBA Rules on Taking Evidence, IBA Guidelines on Party Representation?
  • What is the approach of common law and civil law practitioners to the IBA soft law instruments?
  • What are the potential amendments to the existing IBA soft law instruments?
  • Are there any new soft law instruments under consideration among the arbitration community?
  • Is there a need for an alternative to soft law instruments regarding procedural aspects of arbitration?
  • Which soft law instruments are applicable in investment arbitration: what makes them special and important?