The Summer School on Public International Law

This year the Center will again organize the Summer School on Public International Law.

Dates: 4  16 August 2024. Venue: The Center's Library (14 b. 3 Kadashevskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow).

The curriculum comprises a general course on public international law and lectures on special topics, seminars, and independent studies, as well as a cultural program. A number of lectures will be held at the Center's Library with remote experts.

Classes are held in English and Russian (without translation), in a face-to-face format in the Center's Library in an intensive mode, meaning that no overlap with other activities (work/study) is expected.

Attendees are welcome to use the Center's information infrastructure, such as the Library.

At the end of the Summer School, provided the attendance of at least 90 per cent of the sessions, Certificate of Attendance (which is not a document of education and/or qualification) will be issued.

Questions related to participation in the Summer School can be addressed by e-mail:

The texts of lectures, presentation materials and everything said by the experts during the Summer School reflect their point of view, which may not coincide with the opinion of the Center and its staff.

Programme and Experts 2024*

Alfredo Crosato Neumann  

General Course on Public International Law

Ida Caracciolo  

Obligations under International Law

Eirik Bjorge  

The Current Issues in the Law of Treaties

Benoit Mayer  

Climate Change and International Law

Sir Michael Wood  

International Law as a System v. Fragmentation of International Law

Universal, General and Particular International Law

Recent Developments in the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes

Kathy-Ann Brown    

The Interaction Between the Law of the Sea and Trade Law

The Legal Regime of Living and Other Resources of the EEZ, Continental Shelf Within and Beyond 200 Miles and the High Seas

WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies

Xuexia Liao     

Maritime Delimitation and Dispute Settlement Mechanisms of UNCLOS

Nilufer Oral     

The Work of the International Law Commission on the Topic “Sea-Level Rise in Relation to International Law”

Straits Used for International Navigation

*The programme is subject to change


The requirement for applicants is to have a law degree at the time of application.

Final year undergraduate students can also apply for participation, justifying it in a motivation letter.

To apply, please provide:

  • proof of higher legal education

  • CV in Russian or in English

  • motivation letter in Russian and in English

  • colour portrait photo on a light background.


Attendees permanently residing outside Moscow may be granted a scholarship of up to 35,000 roubles to cover expenses.

Attendees who have been approved for a scholarship are required to submit documents confirming their living expenses in Moscow and travel expenses for travelling from their place of permanent residence to Moscow and back.

Members of the Advisory Board

The Advisory Board, in particular, determines the issues of the School’s Special courses, its experts and students.

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Sergey Punzhin
/storage/expert_image/Скотников2_1649853001 (1)_1677851745.png
Leonid Skotnikov
/storage/expert_image/Тузмухамедов2_1649860309 (1)_1678103409.png
Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov
/storage/expert_image/Усоскин2_1648920733 (1)_1678103713.png
Sergey Usoskin
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Roman Kolodkin

Past schools

August 2…13
August 10…21
August 5…16
August 13…26
Topics and schedule 

The curriculum comprised a General Course and a series of Special Courses on the topic "International Investment Law", seminars, independent learning, meetings on various issues of international law with Roman Kolodkin, Judge at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Martina Polasek, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, Evgeny Zagainov, Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Anna Joubin-Bret, and also entertaining programme


34 researchers/practitioners from:




Rüdiger Wolfrum  

General course on Public
International Law

Collection of lectures  
Samuel Wordsworth  

International Investment Law — History, Present, Perspectives

Anna Joubin-Bret  

Substantive Standards of Protection in International Investment Law
Collection of lectures  

Catharine Titi  

The Right to Regulate in International Investment Law

Collection of lectures  
Sergey Usoskin  

Foreign Investments and Investors

Makane Moïse Mbengue  

Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Collection of lectures